Healthy Diet Choices for People with High Blood Pressure
You can take all the blood pressure medicines in the world, yet if you have a poorly planned meal plan then you won’t be successful in controlling and improving your high blood pressure level. What you eat plays a vital role in controlling your blood pressure level. The best way to combat high blood pressure is by eating right. A diet that is rich in magnesium, potassium, fibers but low in sodium is ideal for people suffering from high blood pressure. Don’t know how to plan your high blood pressure diet chart? No worries. Here are some useful healthy diet tips that will help you pick the right food and tell you what food items you are better off without. Keep a tab on your sodium intake A low level of sodium in your diet will help you have a better control on your blood pressure level. The more sodium you eat, the higher the chances are of your blood pressure rising. The best way to make sure that you eat just the right amount of salt is to maintain a food journal, where you keep tab of your sodium intake. Ideally, you should not have more than a teaspoon of salt in your diet.